Friday, November 20, 2009

Venus the Goddess of Love

Venus the Goddess of Love. Botticelli's painting of The Birth of Venus was painted in 1480s. The painting depicts the Goddess emerging from the foaming seas on a seashell. She was blown by Zephyrus, God of the wind, and the gentle breeze of Aura. She is coming ashore on the island of Cythera, where she is greated by one of the Horae, Goddess of the Seasons.

The Birth of Venus is such a special painting to me. My mom when she was my age got told that she resembled Venus on the Half-Shell, I have also gotten this compliment. I cherish this painting not only because she is beautiful and the Goddess of Love, but my and my mom can share this together. I can only hope to spread love in all the aspects of my life.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Let bygones by bygones.

'Failure is an opportunity
if you blame someone else
there is no end to blame.

Therefor the master
fulfills her own obligations
and corrects her own mistakes.
She does what she needs to do
and demands nothing of others.'

The Dark Ages is not just an era in time, its a time in everyones life. It is interesting that people will spend their whole lives telling you what you can't have, do or say and the whole time be trying to accomplish their dreams while someone tells them the same thing. Why is that? Is it because they don't want you to be successful or happy? Is it because they don't believe in you and don't want to see you fail and suggest you just play it safe? Is it their generation speaking through them? Well what ever it is, who gives a shit. Why are you going to settle for second best because someone else. Realize what you want and go for it. Take the failures you have had in the past, own them, use them as learning experiences and move forward from there. Let your bygones be bygones.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Have you ever just decide to get rid of everything? It's hard, it's a really hard thing to do. I am in the process of "simplifying".  I have a full storage unit of stuff that I can no longer afford to store.  I have bags and boxes I have been toting around with me since I don't have a home. I also have the best friend I will ever have couch surfing with me. That is what I have. Some say 'Do not let your possessions define you',  I like the idea of that as a matter of fact I love it.  It is just not that simple what I have left of the last 24 years is precious to me, it reminds me of where I have been, things I've done, and the people who have shared all of that with me. I don't think so much that my stuff defines me, just that it more explains things about me.  but, as I said before I have no home, no car and no money for storage so I do have to downsize. Today my friend and I are going to Reno to sell our clothes at Plato's Closet. I will let you now how I do. This weekend we a having a huge everything must go garage sale/ BBQ, a burger and a beer for $5. I figure if I am going to get rid of everything I should make a profit doing so.